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The Evolution of an Entrepreneur: our chat with Oak +Pine Co.

The journey to becoming an entrepreneur isn’t a smoothly paved road. It’s exciting and inspiring, but let’s be real—there are a lot of obstacles that make you want to give up! Some of the most paralyzing being fear and self-doubt. Founder and owner of Ember Media, Leila Jaffuel, had the privilege of sharing her story about overcoming those obstacles with Michelle Carmack, founder of Oak + Pine Co. Oak + Pine is an engaging community for entrepreneurs, connecting like-minded women, and encouraging them to design life on their own terms! Learn more and check out the full interview here!

Michelle: What was your biggest fear before you launched and how did you overcome it?

Leila: Self-doubt was a huge obstacle for me. I’d heard the term “Imposter Syndrome” several times, but didn’t actually learn the meaning until earlier this year and it resonated with my own limiting beliefs. My fear of failure held me back from publishing my work, pursuing potential clients and charging for my services. In reality, I was always my own worst critic! The first step to overcoming it was simply recognizing what was happening and becoming more self-aware. To avoid self-sabotage, I made a conscious effort to observe and shift that inner-dialogue. This was actually something many members echoed in our mastermind meetings. Realizing other brilliant talented women that I admired were facing the same insecurities was a form of therapy in itself.  

Continue reading at Oak + Pine Co.

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